Mom and I hope you are staying safe and healthy! We have been doing a lot of self-reflection, discussion, learning, reading, watching, donating and signing this past week. For those of you that know us personally, you know that we always stand on the side of equality and love. Even so, we have learned a lot, and I especially, have taken a deep interest in learning more and being a part of this necessary change. Although I have heard the "I have a dream" speech before and of course knew the highlights of it, I decided to go to the government archives to read the actual speech myself.
Of course, this entire issue of Racism never should have been here to begin with because we are not born with hate, bigotry and racism, that is all learned. If it is learned it can be unlearned. It has to be intentional though and the first step is being aware of the things we need to unlearn. As the world celebrates the 50th Anniversary of #EarthDay, we can't help but think of how grateful we are to be able to provide our clients with the healthiest non-off-gassing cabinets for their Kitchens on the market. You always hear us talking about our "green" cabinets and how we couldn't sell anything else to our clients, knowing what we now know about off-gassing and indoor air quality. So we thought that today would be a great day to break down what that means and why it's so important to consider when purchasing a new Kitchen.
We want to wish you a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter and a Happy and Healthy Weekend! During this time of quarantine, self-isolation and lock down, this weekend will be different for all of us, but we want you to know that we will get through this together. Stay strong and please stay home. If you are one of our courageous front line workers that can't stay home, please know we appreciate you more than words can say! Please stay healthy and safe!
We did! I guess it's true what they say: "Time sure flies when you're having fun"! Today, Mom and I will are celebrating 25 years in business. Well, I wasn't invested full-time back then, but I can remember mom and dad working on building the studio showroom and how cool it was for my mom to be opening up The Cabinet Studio just blocks from the high-school. I was so proud of her, and still am today! She began the journey with the mission to give her Windsor and Essex-County community an option for high-end cabinets and quality service. 25 years later and she hasn't wavered. The only difference now, is that we serve many more communities and not only do we sell beautiful cabinetry and give the best quality of service and design but we also offer North-America's FIRST VOC-Free Kitchen! We also have added a new line of Aluminum cabinets for both indoor and outdoor kitchens.
Mom and I really enjoy staying active in the community. As most of you know the Charity that has the biggest piece of our heart is Crohn's and Colitis Canada, so if you stay tuned to this blog we will be sharing all the happenings in Windsor & Essex-County for our Crohn's community. You will also find posts on events that either we will be attending, we are passionate about, or events that our clients are involved with. Thanks and hugs, Leigh & T