2022 gutsy walk | Sunday JUNE 5TH, 2022 | MALDEN PARK
The annual Gutsy Walk is back and we need your help to make it another success!
June 5th, 2022 we will be walking to raise money to find a cure for Crohn's and Colitis! We invite you to join our team and walk with us at Malden Park, 4200 Malden Rd, Windsor, Ontario. Registration opens at 9am and we will be starting the walk at 10am! We will all be able to share our personal walks across social media throughout the day!! The main thing is that we will be supporting an important cause, helping to spread awareness and raise crucial funds! We are so grateful that Jenn is doing well. Even in remission, she still has moments that remind us that she isn't out of the woods yet. She still has to be monitored, just not as closely. She still has to take medications daily, but we know they are still working. We need to keep fighting to find the Cure so no one has to deal with any of this anymore! We also understand that this year has affected everyone differently, so if you are unable to support us by donating this year, we ask you to please support the walk by sharing this with your friends and family!
June 5th, 2022 we will be walking to raise money to find a cure for Crohn's and Colitis! We invite you to join our team and walk with us at Malden Park, 4200 Malden Rd, Windsor, Ontario. Registration opens at 9am and we will be starting the walk at 10am! We will all be able to share our personal walks across social media throughout the day!! The main thing is that we will be supporting an important cause, helping to spread awareness and raise crucial funds! We are so grateful that Jenn is doing well. Even in remission, she still has moments that remind us that she isn't out of the woods yet. She still has to be monitored, just not as closely. She still has to take medications daily, but we know they are still working. We need to keep fighting to find the Cure so no one has to deal with any of this anymore! We also understand that this year has affected everyone differently, so if you are unable to support us by donating this year, we ask you to please support the walk by sharing this with your friends and family!
rAISE $100+ RECEIVE FREE T-SHIRTS!We would love for you to join our team this year! If you sign up and raise over $100 you will receive a Gutsy Walk Shirt (Design TBD) PLUS a Cabinet Studio Crohnies Green T-Shirt*!
* Only Available For Participants in Windsor & Essex County
WARM UP: Don't forget to Stretch!
START: 10am (EST)
LOCATION: Malden Park, 4200 Malden Rd, Windsor, Ontario, N9C 0C5
Follow @GetGutsyWindsor on Social Media Throughout The Day to be a part of the Celebrations Across Canada!
DONATE to Jennifer | JOIN The Cabinet Studio Chronies Team | CREATE Your Own Team
DONATE to Jennifer | JOIN The Cabinet Studio Chronies Team | CREATE Your Own Team